Friday 31 August 2018

Fishing Lines by marge. No 16 in my series of poems on the theme of LINES.

I don’t know what you think -
I think fishing in lakes and rivers
Is cruel - why catch a fish
to throw it back in?
I just do not “get it”.
Do you?

Lots of people do get it -
Mostly men. Are they
casting their lines to
get pleasure in the outdoors?
To get an away day from family?
They will say it is a SPORT,
(Maybe sport for the man).

There are private Fishing
Lakes, where you pay to fish -
Private Lines -
Profit motive -
You cast your line
And still - you throw
The fish back
To be caught again.

Fishing is a big money game,
retailers selling expensive
Rods and Lines - Tents and Boxes,
a suitable vehicle to get you
to the favourite fishing place.
A fishing Licence……

No, I do not “get “ fishing!
Or its RODS and LINES…..

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