Tuesday 21 August 2018

My Marriage Lines by marge. No. 12 in my series of poems on the theme of LINES.

My ‘Marriage Lines’ are now old
next year, we will have been
married for 60 years.

I cannot say we have never ever
“Fallen out”
in the first two years, we fought
like cat and dog.
There was no winner because we became
Partners, equals.

When my husband went to get
our Marriage Licence, he also
Got his Driving Licence
which cost more!!
A fact he has never ever let me
Forget - that I was a 7/6 Bride.

Our marriage has run on lines -
Lines of Agreement.
We aim not to go to bed upset with
each other.
We agreed on the Lines of Upbringing -
for our children - a united front.

The only thing we disagree on
Is, that I would like a dog
and he does not….
- Lines of Disagreement.

1 comment:

  1. I've been having an entertaining evening reading your poems and just need to say 'congratulations' when I read this. 60 years next year! Your hubby obviously thought his 7/6 bride was value for money 😄
    I've followed your blog so I can continue to be entertained
