Friday 17 August 2018

SKYLINE by marge, Poem No.10 in my series on the theme of "LINES".

Where have you sat to watch the skyline?
We used to love to sit on a balcony in Spain
drinking wine, with the sun going down.  
Turn your gaze a little to see the reflected
sun on the high rise buildings that are
our home for a week or two.

Have you sat in an American Hotel
Bar, cocktail in hand looking at the
New York skyline? Familiar to us all
whether we have been there or not.
All the photos and paintings bring
memories of yellow cabs,
people crossing roads in their hundreds,
going across on the Ferry?

My best skyline memory is on a stroll
to the ancient fisherman's Pub
on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne.
Living there for a week, the tourists
buses have left, peace has descended,
as we walk, seeing the light fade over
the ancient ruined Priory, images of early
early Monks, the marauding Vikings,
then sitting there with my half a lager,
thinking, seeing the skyline, remembering.

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