Sunday 12 August 2018

Life's Procession. By marge.


Whether we realise it, or not.
Life is a procession.
If we use the analogy of
A Race Course, a racehorse.
All the horses start, at the start.
Liken it to our birth.
The horses progress around the course.
We, grow through our childhood.
Some horses fall at the first fence;
We may fail, through childhood difficulties.
The horses continue with the race,
We continue with our Education.
The horses get into their stride,
We go to work, to marry, mature
The horses begin to gallop, maximum speed.
We watch our children grow, to
Take their place, in their procession.
We progress through our lives,
Middle age, grandchildren, and then retirement.
The horses round the final bend,
We reach our old age,
For the horse, the winning post becomes visible.
For us, death becomes visible.
Like the horses, who have passed
Markers along the course of the race.
So we have passed life’s markers.
Our children and their descendants
Will, in turn, pass their life’s’ markers
In the process of Life’s procession

Note: This poem was written in 2010.

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