Sunday 5 August 2018

Washing on the Lines by marge. No 8. in my series of poems on the theme of "Lines".

Most days I have the washing machine going
Sometimes even twice a day when beds need changing.

I like to hang them out on the line, well I would
Being a housewife for more years, I should because I could.

While I am outside pegging out, my neighbour, her next door,
She talks to her washing line, being deaf, what she says I am not sure.

I feel I am sensible, I talk to the plants in my garden
That has its use in encouraging them to grow. Pardon?

You need some more water? Just a minute, I won’t be long
These plants love the sun, they need water too to make them strong.

Finishing pegging out, I turn to watch it blowing on the line,
Sunshine and high winds, it will not be long before I bring them in!

It’s funny how one thing leads to another, washing is finished for now,

I do my walk around the garden. Gardening is more appealing somehow.

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