Tuesday 31 July 2018

Untitled Poem on Depression by Brian Mack.

Untitled Poem on Depression by Brian Mack.

If you could see inside their head
It looks like an untidy bed
Knotted, untidy and frayed
Pillows in the most awkward ways
But we don’t see that
You see a happy and joyous face
Tidy and smart
With no worries or troubles
Who will help them make my head bed
Who will tuck in the corners
Who will pump up my pillows
So They can have a restful head
Like they say don’t judge a book by its cover
Don’t ignore the words inside
Come read with me and share my book
Together we shall make more luck
Take off that persona
Stop hiding behind the smile
Remove the hidden agenda
Open your arms to the world
The sheets and pages
Will get untangled and ordered
Confusion and chaos will be no more
Just remember when I come knocking

Open the bloody door!!!

Monday 30 July 2018

Geometric lines on Bridlington North Promenade by marge. No. 6 in my series of peoms on the them of "Lines".

What do you see? When you walk on the Prom?
Do you even notice what your feet are walking on?
I do and I did!
The patterns of the block paving are amazing.
the geometric lines were best, clever shapes
giving clever impressions, to tease the mind.

What do you see? Do you see squares or rectangles?
Do you see diamonds, the impression changes -
do you see a red base with a grey wall around
with a cream top, just change your vision a little
and you are back with block paving on the Prom!

All along the Prom the patterns in the block paving
changes, I found it fascinating, walking along with
my head down, taking photographs - why?
All part of the preparation for my series of poems
based on the series of “Lines”. When you look
for them, Lines are everywhere! The more you
look - the more you find - especially at the Seaside.


Sunday 29 July 2018

Lines Written on the Page by marge. No. 7 in the series of Poems on the theme of "Lines".

Lines Written on the Page. No 7 in my “Lines” series.

“Readers are writers and
Writers are readers”.

A lady at the Library
told me this quotation.
That is how I came to
join a Writing Group
eleven years ago.

That is how I realised I was a writer.
I have a tutor, anything
she sets us for homework,
I will do (or at least, I try).
So you see, my life is made
up of written lines on the page.

I review fiction books for a
Bookseller, which means
reading something you
may not like - then write a review.
When I have read the  book
then I try to write
something positive.
In this way, I have read
for free, some exceptional
books, full of written
“Lines on the Page”.

Saturday 28 July 2018

HMS Pickle - Whitby. No. 5 in the "Lines series" by marge.

I saw the beautiful HMS Pickle
In Whitby Harbour,
She was so perfect but, little.

I was transfixed as I looked
at her slender lines,
I was very firmly hooked

A fan of her strength and grace,
the straight lines of her masts
the folded sails took little space

The man on her deck was
shouting to a man, standing
on the harbour edges.

I took photos of her
rigging, the ropes holding
her firm, the anchor chain.
I know I want to come and

visit her again.

Friday 27 July 2018

Thunder Thoughts by marge. (Personification of Thunder).

“I’ll show these people
who are grumbling about the heat”.

“I will wake up people
snoozing on sun loungers”.

“It will be fun to give
the girls something to
    SCREAM about.”

“The wives will have
to rush outside to bring
the  washing in”

“The dogs will have
to hang their tongues out to
puff and pant
tremble with FEAR…..”

“I will bang so loud
that even the brave boys and men
can't hide their quaking”.

I, Thunder am not all bad
I bring the rain,
I make the air sweet again.
BUT THEN,  I do have a wicked streak!

NOTE: After weeks of sunshine,
we awoke this morning to thunder
and lightning.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

When I were a lass. (1944/45) By marge.

     When I were a lass,
We had “nowt”, less than “nowt”.
There was never money for new clothes.
Everything I owned was “handed down,
Or “passed on”.
Shoe colours were either black or brown.
My presents were either hand made, or
Rebuilt and repainted by my mum or uncles.

Grandma said “After the war, you’ll get
Easter Eggs tied with ribbon and Bananas,
You’ll love them”.
I had no idea what she was talking about,
I had never seen them.
This man in a uniform came sometimes,
My Mum said “It’s your Dad”.
I was sent to sleep with my cousins
At my Aunties,
So they could “go out”
When I went home again he’d gone.

Then were these things called “Air Raids”.
Mum would wake me up and carry me
Outside, and into the Air Raid Shelter.
It was dull, dark and smelly.
Full of people, talking, singing and
Smoking. No one was sleeping.

The food wasn’t good,
I did not eat a lot, not powdered egg
Or corned beef hash, it was awful.
Grandma used to soak sultanas overnight
For me to have with my jam and bread.

I didn’t know then how bad things were
Everybody in our street was the same.
When I were a lass, we had “nowt”
A  whole lot of “nowt”.

Monday 23 July 2018

A Yorkshire Version of Genesis. By Mike O 'Dowd.

Credit to Mike O'Dowd for this bible work.
In't beginning there was nowt
and God said "Let theer be leet" and there was leet
And he could see fer miles.
On't fust day God created Yorkshire,
and he looked, and he sayeth,
"It is good."
On't second day He created t'beeasts of t'field
and t'air - whippets, lurchers and pigeons -
And he sayeth "It is good"
On't third day he created Yorkshireman,
who was strong in t'arm and
could call a spade a shovel,
ter hold dominion over Yorkshire and
beeasts of t'field and t'fowls in t'air
and ter look out for Yorkshire,
and He sayeth "It is good ".
On't fourth day he created Yorkshirelass,
who were fair of face and strong in t'arm,
who could make Yorkshire puds,
and skivvy for Yorkshireman.
And he sayeth "It is good".
On't fifth day he created the oceans,
the fairest being t'North Sea,
thet filled the coastline of Yorkshire
with unlimited beauty and provided fish
for Yorkshireman and his Lass.
And he sayeth "It is good".
On't sixth day he created the rest of the world
and as he was running out of ideas
he created Lancashire.
And he looked, and he looked again
And he sayeth "By heck, after all this work
I think I need a day off."

NOTE: I know this is irreverent but funny
- if you are from Yorkshire, that is

Saturday 21 July 2018

Three short poems on the theme of Money, by marge.

You know it’s funny
About this thing
Called money
You’ve either
      Got it
     Or - not!

Money, Money, Money!
Sang Fagin as he hoarded it
Spend, spend, spend,
Said the lady from Castleford
As she went from rags to
Riches and back to rags.
Money, Money, Money!
Is no good in the Bank
So what is the point of
Keeping it, but you need
Moderation in all things,
Spend some, share some,
Money, money, money!
Keep some for that
“Rainy Day” or old age!

Money haiku

Money can make us

humans, happy or make them

Sad, too, too sad

Thursday 19 July 2018

The Stairway from Prom to Where? By marge. No. 3 in my series of Poems on the theme of "Lines".

There is a stairway
Near where we stay.
It goes from the bottom
to top the top.

The handrail looks
Strong and firm.
It would not do
If it were not.

The red brick
Retaining wall
In their lines,
Go from bottom
to the top.

The red bricks look
Strong but the green
Weeds at their base
Show neglect.

At the top of the
Stairs, is a gate.
a gate to keep -
Unwanted people

The gate has lines
Both vertical and
Horizontal. Strong lines.
Strong iron, which says
"Private property
Keep out."

Lines that go from
The bottom to the top

NOTE: This poem is No. 3
In my series of poems on
The theme of “Lines”.
Bridlington North Promenade. 10.7.18.

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Lines in the Sand, Bridlington, South Bay, 11.7.2018 by marge.

Sitting on the Promenade,
watching the tide turn,
looking for what it has left behind.

The retreating sea has revealed
seaweed, rubbish, shining pebbles.
strips of sea water, glistening in the sun.

It has left patterns in the sand -
wavy lines and little mounds
appearing where tiny sea creatures
wriggle out from the safety of the sand.

Miles and miles of dunes and flat sand,
In this beautiful Bridlington South Bay.
     We will come again, we say.

NOTE: This is poem No. 2 in my series
of poems based on the theme of LINES.
Bridlington, South Bay 11. 7. 2018.

Monday 16 July 2018

12 of 30. Midnight !!

12 of 30.   MIDNIGHT !!

The Andrew Lloyd Webber song
“Midnight” was sung in the Musical
CATS, made my skin go cold, the hairs
on my arms stood up!! ….
Song reached No 1,

Midnight - the Witching Hour,
when the witches danced in
Winlayton Woods! A much
talked about event, but
never witnessed…..

Midnight - in the Cemetery.
The dead walk and wolves howl.
The drunk lurch between the
gravestones, the ‘druggies’
get their fix! We all know
about it but never seen …..

Midnight - new baby cries
mum reluctantly leaves her sleep
to feed her precious bundle,
who feeds, burps, needs a
nappy change, mum gets back into
bed, daddy keeps her awake
Snoring…  We’ve all heard it!!

In the darkness, lovers cling.
The drunk sing their way home.
Policemen do their shift.
Hospitals doing double shifts,
night workers wish they were
all at home in bed …..