Friday 27 July 2018

Thunder Thoughts by marge. (Personification of Thunder).

“I’ll show these people
who are grumbling about the heat”.

“I will wake up people
snoozing on sun loungers”.

“It will be fun to give
the girls something to
    SCREAM about.”

“The wives will have
to rush outside to bring
the  washing in”

“The dogs will have
to hang their tongues out to
puff and pant
tremble with FEAR…..”

“I will bang so loud
that even the brave boys and men
can't hide their quaking”.

I, Thunder am not all bad
I bring the rain,
I make the air sweet again.
BUT THEN,  I do have a wicked streak!

NOTE: After weeks of sunshine,
we awoke this morning to thunder
and lightning.

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