Monday 30 July 2018

Geometric lines on Bridlington North Promenade by marge. No. 6 in my series of peoms on the them of "Lines".

What do you see? When you walk on the Prom?
Do you even notice what your feet are walking on?
I do and I did!
The patterns of the block paving are amazing.
the geometric lines were best, clever shapes
giving clever impressions, to tease the mind.

What do you see? Do you see squares or rectangles?
Do you see diamonds, the impression changes -
do you see a red base with a grey wall around
with a cream top, just change your vision a little
and you are back with block paving on the Prom!

All along the Prom the patterns in the block paving
changes, I found it fascinating, walking along with
my head down, taking photographs - why?
All part of the preparation for my series of poems
based on the series of “Lines”. When you look
for them, Lines are everywhere! The more you
look - the more you find - especially at the Seaside.


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