Thursday 5 July 2018

Rambling Rose by marge.

You grew from a tiny cutting
brought from Helga’s garden
in Germany, against all odds,
you grew and flourished.

The first year, you were small
without rambling, but you flowered.
Then came your tiny, tight bud.
The sun warmed you,
you uncurled into a
perfect pink rose.

For years, you have
flourished and rambled
over the trellising.
Delighting people,
birds and insects.

So that I did not lose you,
I took a cutting from you,
That did well and grew to
look liked its perfect parent.

I planted Clematis to
enhance and twine through
your branches. For you, my first
Helga’s Rose, I chose a pale mauve
Clematis. For your infant, I
chose a bright, white variety.

My special Rambling Roses,
remind me of a special
friendship between our two
families, English and German.
Which, like you, flourished
and grew into a firm friendship.

Just like you, it flourished to
be big, bold and beautiful.

You are My Helga’s Rose.

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