Monday 16 July 2018

12 of 30. Midnight !!

12 of 30.   MIDNIGHT !!

The Andrew Lloyd Webber song
“Midnight” was sung in the Musical
CATS, made my skin go cold, the hairs
on my arms stood up!! ….
Song reached No 1,

Midnight - the Witching Hour,
when the witches danced in
Winlayton Woods! A much
talked about event, but
never witnessed…..

Midnight - in the Cemetery.
The dead walk and wolves howl.
The drunk lurch between the
gravestones, the ‘druggies’
get their fix! We all know
about it but never seen …..

Midnight - new baby cries
mum reluctantly leaves her sleep
to feed her precious bundle,
who feeds, burps, needs a
nappy change, mum gets back into
bed, daddy keeps her awake
Snoring…  We’ve all heard it!!

In the darkness, lovers cling.
The drunk sing their way home.
Policemen do their shift.
Hospitals doing double shifts,
night workers wish they were
all at home in bed …..

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