Tuesday 31 July 2018

Untitled Poem on Depression by Brian Mack.

Untitled Poem on Depression by Brian Mack.

If you could see inside their head
It looks like an untidy bed
Knotted, untidy and frayed
Pillows in the most awkward ways
But we don’t see that
You see a happy and joyous face
Tidy and smart
With no worries or troubles
Who will help them make my head bed
Who will tuck in the corners
Who will pump up my pillows
So They can have a restful head
Like they say don’t judge a book by its cover
Don’t ignore the words inside
Come read with me and share my book
Together we shall make more luck
Take off that persona
Stop hiding behind the smile
Remove the hidden agenda
Open your arms to the world
The sheets and pages
Will get untangled and ordered
Confusion and chaos will be no more
Just remember when I come knocking

Open the bloody door!!!

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