Thursday 19 July 2018

The Stairway from Prom to Where? By marge. No. 3 in my series of Poems on the theme of "Lines".

There is a stairway
Near where we stay.
It goes from the bottom
to top the top.

The handrail looks
Strong and firm.
It would not do
If it were not.

The red brick
Retaining wall
In their lines,
Go from bottom
to the top.

The red bricks look
Strong but the green
Weeds at their base
Show neglect.

At the top of the
Stairs, is a gate.
a gate to keep -
Unwanted people

The gate has lines
Both vertical and
Horizontal. Strong lines.
Strong iron, which says
"Private property
Keep out."

Lines that go from
The bottom to the top

NOTE: This poem is No. 3
In my series of poems on
The theme of “Lines”.
Bridlington North Promenade. 10.7.18.

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