Tuesday 17 July 2018

Lines in the Sand, Bridlington, South Bay, 11.7.2018 by marge.

Sitting on the Promenade,
watching the tide turn,
looking for what it has left behind.

The retreating sea has revealed
seaweed, rubbish, shining pebbles.
strips of sea water, glistening in the sun.

It has left patterns in the sand -
wavy lines and little mounds
appearing where tiny sea creatures
wriggle out from the safety of the sand.

Miles and miles of dunes and flat sand,
In this beautiful Bridlington South Bay.
     We will come again, we say.

NOTE: This is poem No. 2 in my series
of poems based on the theme of LINES.
Bridlington, South Bay 11. 7. 2018.

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