Friday 6 July 2018

Poetry Stinks by Tina Firthlock.

Poetry Stinks by Tina Firthlock.

Metaphorically speaking poetry sucks
On radio, TV adds and books
Why don’t they talk proper like?
It irks my spirit. Take a hike

Shall I compare thee to a field of daffs?
Thou art more boring, don’t make me laugh
Sonnets, free verse, cliches, pairing
Alliteration? Sad story sharing.

But listening to poems in class was great
And in these poems, I found no hate
And in the end, it made me think
Not all poems and poetry stink?

Tales of human life and grime
Humour, sadness, desire, and crime
“The waitress revenge”, a “Miners Life”
“Purple Passion”, a “Good Girl’s Strife”

And every week, I’d write some “crap”
But always got some great feedback
A ripple of applause,  I’ standing tall
I might like poetry after all.

NOTE: This poem was written at the
WEA Creative Writing Group at the
Kinsley and Fitzwilliam Community
Centre, with reference to my feelings
About poetry before and after the
Course, poems mentioned by Jan,

Harry, Jehani, and Susan.

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