Wednesday 3 April 2019

49 Shades of Green by marge.

                                  3rd April 2019 Poem 3 of 30.
Spring has sprung!
The trees in the field
behind our house are
opening their leaves,
to all shades of green.

Maybe twenty five years
ago, they were planted as
tiny whips in a plastic casing.
“They’ll never grow”
the neighbours said,
but they did, now taller
than our houses.

Closest to us is the
Hazelnut trees, dark green
furthest away are Silver Birches,
Their pale green fronds sway
and dance, a favourite perch
for birds of all kinds.

The hedge by the Railway
Line is home to the Blackthorn,
dressed in it’s delicate white
flowers, black braches showing.
No leaves yet. Beauty yet to come.

At the end of the field is a
Poplar tree, in solitary state.
majestic and closer to the sky,
it’s dark shape, menacing, just
hinting that it’s green leaves

are coming, It’s Spring coming.

©Marjorie Lacy.

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