Saturday 20 April 2019

Reading. By marge. 19 of 30

Reading.              19  of 30 April Poems. © Marjorie Lacy.

My Grandma taught me to read
When I was three years old.

I took to it like a duck to water
I would read and read when I didn’t ought too.

Over the years I have read all sorts
I read my Library book, my mums and my dads.

I found out young that he read some steamy stuff.
My mum liked Mills and Boon and Woman's Weekly.

After working and becoming retired, I have read
Even more, I joined two Reading Groups.

It is a different way of reading, been given a
Monthly choice, reading something you may be wouldn’t.

A good discipline, sometimes the book is a good one
A one that you can’t put down. Some you pass by.

I choose to read several books by the same author,
That way, I get a feel of them and their thinking.

If possible, I like books with a local theme,
Perhaps somewhere I know well and have been to.

Readers are Writers someone said to me,
So you see, I can write short stories and poems.

Yes, I took to reading, like a duck to water
Reading and reading when I didn’t ought to.

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