Friday 26 April 2019

Have you heard a Hurdy Gurdy Played. 25 of 30 April Poems

I had never heard one until
during our day at Pontefract
Castle a couple of Medieval
Musicians were playing some
very different type of music.

Drawn by the strange notes
coming from the Hurdy Gurdy.
An odd-looking instrument,
with airbag and drone pipes
similar to Scottish bagpipe,
it has small wooden keys.
Also, strings that are vibrated by
turning a crank handle.

Intrigued we sat and listened, the man's
wife was accompanying him on a whistle
while banging a deep sounding drum
and tapping on the bells hung on a stand.
tapping on the bells hung on a stand.  
A talented woman!
Their collective sound was magical.

When not playing, the man told us
about the Hurdy Gurdy, an ancient
instrument, his came from Germany.
the Hurdy Gurdy is known all over
Europe and North Africa.

In medieval England, it was known
as a Hurly Burly. Often played by
Blind beggars in places where
A lot of people could be found.

© Marjorie Lacy, April 2019.

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