Tuesday 30 April 2019

My Hands by marge. 29 of 30 April Poems.

When I was young,
I was proud of my hands,
they were small and dainty.

As I got older I could
embellish them with bright
coloured nail varnish,

Later still, as part of my work,
I learnt manicure and also
taught it, my hands were
immaculate then.

Other people would envy
them, hiding their own bitten
nails behind their backs,
asking for help.

Now, in old age I have arthritic
hands that are no longer pretty.
A road map of blue veins dominate,
red lumps and bumps of knuckles.

It is difficult now to take proper care,
of my hands, cutting and shaping is hard.
I don’t cut my nails until I absolutely have to.
It is me that hides my hands in gloves.

Unwilling for people to see how ugly
my once small and dainty hands have
become. I am tired, I am weary,
I am old

©  Marjorie Lacy.

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