Monday 15 April 2019

Journey Home from our Holiday.        13 0f 30 April Poems.
Bridlington A615- A614- M62-A19.

After a busy, happy holiday.
We are on our way home
I am the passenger able to look out
Watching for what the trees and flowers
Are doing, pretty Pussy Willows in blossom,
White flowered Blackthorn in the hedges.

On the grass verges, dainty yellow Cowslip.
Many, many Daffodils, white Narssis.
Dandelions prolifigate, flower or weed?
We pass a duck pond with green Rushes.

Some trees, putting on early leaves
Just unfurling showing bright line green
On the Beech trees, Sycamores pushing
Out red, purple fingers of leaves to come.

In the gardens, first white blossoms on the
Flowering Cherry tree. Glimpses of blues
And mauves of garden plants. Watching
           Out for the plants.
        I have not noticed the
      Dozens of heavy Lorries
       and Farm Vehicles and
           queuing traffic !!
             Home at last.

© Marjorie Lacy.

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