Wednesday 24 April 2019

Tractors on Parade 22 of 30 April Poems.

Tractors on Parade.                   22 of 30 April Poems.

I saw it on a friend's Facebook
Post, that 500 tractors were
Passing through her Village,
It was too bad it wasn’t a day
I could go see them.
I felt disappointed.

The next day we were
Travelling to a St. Georges
Day event at Pontefract Castle.
Suddenly, there were tractors
Turning out of a junction,
Marshalls were controlling
Traffic, we were waved
Into the Parade.

I was thrilled, so many
Tractors, all sizes, all colours
Driven by men, women, teenagers.
It was so exciting, our little white
Car in among all farm vehicles..
People had come out to wave.
I waved back, but no one
Waved to our car.
It was not so exciting.

Eventually, tired of their
Slow pace and stop-start,
We turned off the route
To go along the back roads
Towards Pontefract Castle
For a lovely family event.

© Marjorie Lacy.


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