Thursday 25 April 2019

The Mummers Play. by marge 24 of 30 April poems

The Mummers Play:                                           24 of 30 April Poems.
St. George and the Dragon.

We were at Pontefract Castle                
celebrating St. Georges Day,
Various entertainments were
telling the stories of St. George.
The Mummers got the biggest
audience, all excited about
seeing the Dragon.

This was a small group of Mummers
who needed help from the audience,
children eagerly became sheep or
village children. Some beefy men
also joined in to help the villagers
to kill the dragon who was eating
their sheep and smaller children.

The villagers tried throwing stones,
shouting and throwing water at the
dragon, but it was not afraid and kept
coming back each night. Then they
were told that St. George would be
riding through their village, they
sent some men to plead with St. George
to stay overnight and help them
kill the dragon.

The village men and beefy men from
the audience lay in wait for the
dragon coming for the baited sheep
left out for it. The dragon fell for
their trick, St. George and all the
men fell on the dragon, St. George
stabbed it with his sword, then           NOTE: In this version,
cut off its head and held it up.                         A woman was inside
                                                                        The dragon’s costume.
Everybody cheered, they need not                    Her roar was not very
fear the dragon again, they thanked                 loud.
St. George and he went on his way.

© Marjorie Lacy. April 2019.

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