Tuesday 16 April 2019

Misery Morning by marge 16 of 30 April poems

Misery Morning.     16 0f 30 April Poems.

I awoke this morning feeling happy,
Somewhere about mid-morning,
The miseries descended,
All I could do was sit and cry,
Cry and cry, nothing could stop
My tears.

The tears cascaded from my eyes,
I was unable to control myself.
Coffee was no help, my tears ran
And ran. Tissues, wet and crumpled
Made a pile in my chair
More wet tissues.

The afternoon was no better,
I tried to distract myself,
Looking at my laptop,
Reading a book, reading a
Different book
I tried cooking.

Today, I have written off as
A nothing day, because I have done
Nothing, been nothing, but a sobbing
Mess of a woman, making my face
Red and horrible, my head aches
Oh! My aching head.

© Marjorie Lacy. April 2019.

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