Saturday 20 April 2019

Preparing our Garden for Outside Living. 20 of 30 April Poems.

Preparing our Garden for Outside Living. 20 of 30 April Poems.

The Weather forecast predicted
a warm Easter for the U, K.
We decided to have a staying
at home Easter, tidying and
preparing our garden. We have
three “sitting” areas, depending
if we feel the need for sun or shade.

I took the area at the back,
a block paved area that also
has wood which is supposed
to be stacked but the winters
winds knocked it down.

I sorted and piled up the wood
up again, tided the bonfire area,
then began the never-ending
job of getting rid of the weeds
between the cracks in the paving.

My husband started on the
the area in front of the garage.
Our secret sitting area, we
can see the street and comings
and goings but they cannot
see us. That has artificial
grass, the winter weather
had disturbed it. It needed
refitting, glueing and sweeping.

He washed down the table and chairs.
Planted the huge parasol, then invited
me to come and drink coffee
while we admired our garden.

© Marjorie Lacy April 2019

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