Sunday 28 April 2019

The Land Train at the Seaside by marge. 26 of 30

One of the delights of the seaside
is the Land train, a delight for
Mums, dads, kids and dogs!
Grandma and Grandad too.

The trains are usually brightly coloured,
Driven by an elderly man, like everybody’s
grandad. Polite and helpful gives you
your ticket too.

Excited children board, deciding
where everyone will sit, can’t wait
for it to move so that they can wave.
The engine starts and Woops we’re off!

Everybody waves at trains, it is
part of the fun of being at the
Seaside. Well! We don’t have Land
Trains at home! Do we?

When we get to the end of the track,
Do we stay on or go straight back?
Do we get off and play on the beach?
Shall we get off and have ice cream?

The Land train takes us back again,
time to go and have our tea,
“Can we come again, Mum”
Can we dad, can we, can we, Please?

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