Thursday 18 April 2019

A wallk on the South Bay by marge. 17 of 30 April Poems.

A Walk on the South Bay.      17 of 30 April Poems.

Bridlington South Bay is a favourite walk.
One that I would like to do more than I do.
You can choose to walk the length of the
Beach, or the walk along the Promenade.
With the Harbour behind you, there are
Miles in front of you,
       Miles of sky
               Miles of the sea,
                      Miles of sand,
                              Miles of the promenade.
Whichever you choose to walk there is
Interest, people with their children, their dogs.
The things they choose do, walking and talking
Running about, throwing things at the sea or
Things for the dog. Flying a Kites. Some choose
Solitude, Silence, Thinking, Admiring the views.
Some choose eating, places to choose from,
Eat inside or eat outside, drink beer or wine.
Tea or coffee, water or juice, with a scone or
A full meal.
          Fish and chips.
                 Ham sandwich.
                           Jacket potato.
                                   Lasange with chips.
Looking out to sea, What can we see? Wind Farms
Oil Rigs, Big Ships, small boats, inflatables, surfers.
Birds, mainly Seagulls, big noisy birds all after any
Unwary person’s chips. What do we hear? Happy
Voices, children's laughter, dogs excited barking.

There is nothing to compare, with Bridlington’s
South Bay, walking, sightseeing. I love it!!

© Marjorie Lacy, April 2019.


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