Wednesday 3 April 2019

Snow at Sunset.                                      
It was the day after the
U.K., clocks moved into
British Summer Time.
The day had been good,
hours of blue sky with
fluffy white clouds.

We had eaten our
evening meal, the
sun was going down.
‘Red sky at night’.
Without warning,
black clouds came,
heavy rain came,
faster and faster
it rained.

I was sure the
rain was turning
white, snow?
Not after all
that sun.
The rain stopped,
We looked out of
the window, our
green lawn had
turned white!
It had snowed.

Next morning,
gingerly opening
the bedroom blinds.
No Snow on the lawn.
But Yes, on the
Conservatory Roof lay
Snow with an icy coat.

©Marjorie Lacy.
  Poem 2. 2nd April 2019.

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