Tuesday 30 April 2019

Looking Forward to May 1st 2019 by marge. 30 of 30 Poems.

1st of May is a time of celebration
It takes many forms, depending on
where you live. Some towns have
Parades with May Queens, some
have Morris Dancing, some villages
have their Maypole with children dancing.

Other towns and villages have street
Parades with Bands playing and
Traditional Plays. With street parties
people sharing fun, food and drink
with excitable children and dogs.
Simple community events.

Churches and other organisations
have open events to build community
cohesion, introducing persons to person.
Mix and mingle get together with singing
and dancing. Some influential person will
get up and speak.

Farming communities this is a time of fertility,
time for planting. The new birth of lambs and cows.
A time of hard work, often a profitable time
and hope for the future. A time to drink beer
While planning for the coming months.

A time for regeneration as the trees come into
leaf. A Young man's fancy turns to love.
The birds are also busy with eggs and chicks.
Opportunist birds and animals looking for the food
of natural selection.

We are closer at this time of year to our pagan
past. More superstitious, more in touch with
the moon and stars, the air around us. The soil
beneath us. The water of rivers and Seas, all
Important factors to our human life.

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