Monday 15 April 2019

All that WAshing by marge. 14 of 30 April poems

All that Washing.                                            Poem 14 of 30.

Washing, Washing, all that washing.
Sometimes, my kitchen feels like
A Chinese Laundry.
Where does it all come from?

Washing, washing, all that washing,
There are only two of us
In this house.
Where does it all come from?

Drying, drying all that washing.
I need warm and gentle wind
for the washing to dry
Outside on the line.
Drying, drying.

Losing, losing, losing the sock.
Why is there always
An odd sock?
Where do they go to, go to?

Folding, folding all that washing.
I fold clean washing
Get it put away
As quickly
As I can, I can, I can.

I don’t believe in Ironing,
I think it is boring.
Life is too short
For ironing, ironing, ironing.

I am doing things more interesting.
Like writing, reading, thinking
That is self improving

Self improving, self improving.

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