Monday 30 April 2018

The End of 30 days and 30 poems.

I have taken part in the National Poetry Writing Month = NaPoWriMo

The month of April has 30 days, the challenge was to write a daily poem.

I have successfully completed the month, some poems are utter rubbish, some are good and I am proud of them all!!

If you have been reading them, I hope you have enjoyed them. AND, that maybe you will join in next years challenge.

30th of 30 The Best is yet to Be.

30th 0f 30. “The Best is yet to Be”.

We have come to the end of April,
We can look forward to some warmer,
Lighter days in the month of May…….

We have had, the “Beast from the East”,
We have had unexpected winds and snow,
We have had unexpected sunshine,
Which brought out early flowering bulbs.

We have seen the gaiety in the garden,
We have riots of colours, green grass.
We have seen Blues, Mauves and Red.
We have seen birds beginning to
Build nests. Street lights, light later!

Yes, May is bringing us hope!!

NOTE: I have used a quote from

Robert Browning as my title.

29-30. Openings on the 29th Aoril.

29th of 30. Openings on the 29th April.

It was shock, horror and “shall we go?”
29th April, 1953, the Queen opened
her doors to the public at
Buckingham Palace.
She did not wear an apron
or serve tea and cakes!!
The opening was a huge

29th April, 1958, the musical “My
Fair Lady”, opened in London at
Drury Lane Theatre, we were
Introduced to Professor Higgins who
Educated Eliza about “The Rain in
Spain”. The opening was a huge


Sunday 29 April 2018

28 of 30.February 28th 2018

28th poem of 30. Not a Leap Year, but a Common Year.

Did you know, we have three Common Years,
Our fourth year is called a Leap Year?

Our next Leap Year will fall on Friday 2020,
That day has its own name of Leap Day…….

This is largely due to what the planets
Are doing in the sky, and ancient calendars.

Perhaps it is a relief for our 28 days in
February, may be disappointing for those

Who were born on the 29th of the month,

But then, they do not age like the rest of us!

Saturday 28 April 2018

27th poem of 30. A Poem containg 27 Words

27th poem of 30. A Poem of 27 words.

Life is happiness in
The sun. With lots
Of friends and lots
of fun. Where would
You go? Who would
Come with you?
For fun, fun, fun!

Note: I found this extremely
Difficult, but I did it! Can you!!

Friday 27 April 2018

Poem 26 of 30. The Last Day of our Holiday!

26th of 30 Poems. LAST DAY of a HOLIDAY!!

We have been here for four days
And five nights, just a short break.
For rest and relaxation, we said.

BUT - we have been everywhere,
Bought everything, eaten everything
We are now several meals fatter!!

The weather has not been so kind,
high winds, one day of hard rain,
AND - one day of sun.

I am still loathed to go home,
I could stay here forever and a day!
Where are we? North Wales……

It is Llandudno!
As someone famous said
“I’ll be back”.

Thursday 26 April 2018

Poem 25 of 30. 25th Wedding Anniverary.

25 of 30.  25th Wedding Anniversary.

My Silver Wedding,
Oh!! What Excitement.
Oh! What an achievement.

They did say to us:
“It will never Last!”
It did and we did!
AND we had the
Party to Prove it.”

NOTE: This year 2018, it will be
our 59th anniversary this year.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Poem 24 of 30. 2 x 12 = 24.

Poem 24 of 30.     2 x 12 = 24.

Did you learn your Times Tables at school?
I did. They were learned by rote, chanted
to the beat of a ruler tapping the teachers
desk, anyone unfortunate enough to say
the wrong number was told
“Put your hands on your head,
the teacher would hit your hands with
her ruler, then you had to say the whole
of the table on your own.
It did not pay to lose concentration.

We always said to each other “What
use is Maths, we won’t need it when
we leave school”. That was childish
wishing. Of course, we need to have
knowledge of Maths, our time's tables
form the basis of calculation.
Can you remember - 7 x 9?

Or 9 x 8?   ???
I can't!!

NOTE: I began school in September 1943.

23 of 30. The Number of my Childhood Home.

23 0f 30.  23, The Door Number of my Childhood Home.

Mum and Dad bought this house
shortly before I was born.
They paid three hundred pounds for it.

We had three bedrooms, mum and dad’s
Mine and one called a box room,
though, not big enough to put a bed in.

I loved my bedroom, it was my place.
It was where I had a green painted
wooden table that Father Christmas,

brought when I was five years old.
I imagined being a teacher,
or a Librarian

It was an odd house, the front
door was numbered twenty-four,
the back door, used most, was twenty-three?

Note: After mum died, the house had
to be sold to pay for her Care Home
fees, I sold the house undervalued
for a quick sale, at £20,000.

Sunday 22 April 2018

22 of 30. Bingo!! And 2 Little Ducks.

22 of 30. Bingo!  - 2 Little Ducks.

The game, Bingo has grown to be
the tail that wags the dogs.

The game, Housey, Housey was played
By the Armed Services to pass time.

It was played at the Chapel that
I went to - God Fearing Methodists.

It developed into Commercial Bingo Halls,
In disused Church’s and Cinemas.

Then into purpose-built palaces,
All neon lights and big prizes.

With the lively old Bingo Callers
Fun. about two fat ladies and ducks

Beame digitised, computerised.
Not a lot of fun - “just give us your money”.

Now we have televised bingo in our homes.
Pay for it by your credit cards….

It is better with 2 little ducks in the park,
Than to risk your Housey-housey with debt.

Where are the Two Little Ducks now?
A Figment of our Imagination??

Saturday 21 April 2018

21 of 30. Key of the Door.

What a celebration becoming 21 used to be.
You officially became an adult,
you were given the key to the house door.
Once I became 21, It was planned for me
to become a bride. Husband at my side.

In 2018, young people are not the same
they are more mature, know more.
They may have held a door key for
a flat when they went University.
Being a student equals freedom.

I don’t know which you think is better?
Was my innocence at 21,
or the worldly wiseness of

today's young women?

Friday 20 April 2018

20 of 30. Twenty Storeys High.

20 0f 30. Twenty Storeys High.

For our holiday, we flew away,
We stayed on Gran Canaria.

It was a Swedish Resort,
built into the rocks and very
modern in style and built from
concrete. The Receptionist
explained, “The lift is over there,
go up to floor ten, go across
the corridor, take the next
lift up to floor twenty, turn
left, you will find your room
   On the right.

Our room was spacious and
flooded with light, the  bath
with golden taps on a dais in the
bedroom! This was the most
sumptuous hotel, the food
Was excellent too!
It was a gated community, guards
roamed inside and outside at night
   Carrying guns.

It was Christmas time, with
decorations and trees everywhere,
everybody joined in the singing
and dancing in the Marketplace
for the youngest children
                                            It is fun, we're sure we would have
and exciting week. The thing we
had not realised Swedish
people used to low light levels, as
at home, every Pub and Restaurant           
Closed at ten o’clock.

Thursday 19 April 2018

19 of 30. The Holiday.

It is May, and we are away.
We worry about our house still
“Did we turn everything off?” we say.

The skies are looking very grey,
the noise made by seabirds is shrill,
It is May, and we are away.

Upset, the weather has changed today.
So cold it’s enough to make us ill”
“We will read in the lounge,” we say.

Our holiday is just a short stay
seabirds huddle on the window sill.
It is May, and we are away.

We go to the beach to play
Tennis and Rounders take some skill
“We had fun didn’t we”, we say?

Sightseeing, the resort shows decay
We walk slower, panting up the hill
We say It’s good to be away”.
“Did we turn everything off!” we say.

Note:    A Villanelle - a French form of
Poetry which contains 19 lines.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

18 -30. I can Vote!!

Years ago some brave women
fought for the equality of
women and men under the
age of thirty whether they
had property or not should have
the right to vote at a younger age.

In 2018, we can all cast our  
Vote from the age of 18 years.
My family have always voted,
I just carried on doing it too.
I think it is the duty of everyone
               To Vote.

The thing you may not know
is that Pontefract was the first
place to have a wooden Ballot
Box, today it is in the Art Deco
Museum in Pontefract Centre.
I would urge everyone to make
a visit to Historic Pontefract,
You will not be disappointed.

NOTE: Pontefract is situated
In West Yorkshire, United Kingdom.