Tuesday 10 April 2018

10 of 30. Tents/Camping.

10 of 30. Tents/Camping.

My knowledge of Tents
Comes from taking
Girl Guides camping.
This would be in the 1980’s.

My daughter was in the Brownies,
I offered to be a helper,
But no, I was told we only need
Guide Leaders. That is how
Found myself taking twenty
Four girls and four leaders
Camping for a week.

I am not complaining,
It was great fun. I had to
Organise buses, parents
Meetings, plan activities.
The tents to be used were
Big green Icelandic ones
Which slept, eight girls.

The greatest trouble was
Getting girls to sleep, they
Had midnight feasts, told
Ghost stories, scaring each
Other witless. We went on
Hikes had bonfires and
Sing-alongs walks in the
Dark to see the stars
And listen to bats.

Once home again,
I missed the twenty-four
Girls, Their four Icelandic
Tents hung on my washing
To dry and air before
Packing and storing.


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