Monday 16 April 2018

16 of 30. Sweet Sixteen.

16 of 30.   Sweet Sixteen.

“Sweet Sixteen and
Never been kissed”.

Said in the time of innocence.
In 2018, sex before marriage
Is the norm. What happened
to all the songs about the Moon
and June…..?

Couples kissing in public now
get the words “Get a room”
hurled at them……

Think about all the old films
where long-haired blondes
fluttered eyelashes at a handsome
dark haired man, they would
drive for miles to go over
the border, to get married!!
Then they could slip into bed!!

When making films, if they
acted a sex scene both male
and female actors had to
keep one foot on the floor??
Physically impossible ??

I think it was better before,
all the innocent pleasure of
gazing at the Moon in June.
Being home before ten, to
avoid a lecture from dad!

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