Friday 6 April 2018

6 of 30. Sixes on the Sixth Day.

6 0f 30. Sixes on the 6th day.

We all played dominoes,
did you have the numbered ones
or did you have the animals on?
did you win? If you lost did you cry?

Dices, do you remember the
the film about the crap game?
And Sarah Brown sang Hymns?
The men sang “Luck be a Lady tonight”.

The music lovers will know what a
Sextet is. Do you like your music
fast or slow and sultry? Do you dance,
or, do you sit and listen, absorbing.

A “Sixer” is a Patrol Leader in the
Scouts and Cubs. If you work hard
you can get armsful of Badges.
Did you “Dib-dib-dib and
dob-dob-dob? Or Bob a Job?

Did you hear the speeches of
Martin Luther King? When he had
‘A Dream’,  about climbing the
mountain and seeing the other
side. Just like Moses in the Bible
did. Two great men of history.

The 6th month of June gives us
Tennis at Wimbledon. Who will win?
It is also Strawberry Time
Strawberries, with cream for tea!
You can go and Pick-Your-Own!!
Where you eat more than pick!!

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