Wednesday 11 April 2018

11 of 30.   The Eleventh Hour.

On the Eleventh Hour of
The Eleventh Day
The Guns fell silent.
Some of the most famous
Words ever spoken.

They declared that was
“The War to end All Wars”.
But no, It was the War
That began all future wars,
Wars without rules
Wars where seemingly
Only the innocent die.

In modern warfare,
There are so many weapons,
So many substances that kill.
Kill so many at will. Men fight
Women weep, as they seek
To house and feed their children.

Refugees walk and walk
Hoping for a different life.
Seeking a new country
A better life, when they arrive
They find that country
Unwelcoming and no home there.

How did this come about?
Fighting has gone on since
Time immemorial - will it

Go on until only one man stands??

(I must add, these are my own thoughts,

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