Monday 2 April 2018

Two, Second-hand and Twice. 2 of 30.

Two, Second-hand and Twice.         2nd April 2018. 2 0f 30.

There are two Charity Shops that
I like, both in my village. The Red Cross.
the other the Prince of Wales Hospice.

I donate to them in two ways,
By donating unwanted clothes and goods
And secondly, by buying from them.

If you look carefully, there are
New clothes mixed in with second hand.
There are lots of books to choose from too.

The third element is, I can return
Books when I have read them.
Some books I love so much I keep.

As the season's change, I can fill
A bag with clothes and take them
Back to the shop for resale

So, it is a win-win situation,
I get to talk to the lovely people
Who volunteer to work for Charity.

While the shops get my support
Ar the same time they give support
To people who really need it  Why not
Visit your local charity today!

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