Wednesday 4 April 2018

4 of 30. Our Four Quarters of our Life.

Our Four Quarters of Life. 4 0f 30   4.4.2018.

Our baby life begins without strife,
That is for our parents - we give them grief.
This is the pattern of Life.

In the Spring of our Life.

As babies new
Some wear pink,
Some wear blue.

In the Summer of our Life.

Children sometimes sad.
In summer summertimes mad!
Their energy makes our heart’s glad.

In the Autumn of our lives.

We have a lot to say!
Our hair’s going grey
The frost of our lives is in the air.

In the Winter of our Lives.

We have lost our afterglow,
The months grow cold.
As the pages of our lives unfold.

Sooner or later, death will take hold.

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