Saturday 7 April 2018

7 of 30. Seven days a Week,

7 0f 30. Seven Days a Week.
(A List Poem, non-rhyming)

Our week of 7 days and 7 nights,
Its’ old name was a Sennight.
We call it a week.

Monday - The first day of the week
The Day of the Moon, Luna.

Tuesday - Tiu’s day, Mars day
The God of War and Sky.

Wednesday - Woden's day
Mercury, guides souls after death.

Thursday - is the day of strength
Jupiter is God of Sky and Thunder.

Friday - Freya’s day, a day of love.
Venus is the God of beauty and fertility

Saturday - Is the Eve before Sunday,
It is the Sabbath of the Bible.

Sunday - the last day of the week
The Lord’s day, a rest day.

Saturn is the Sun God.

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