Friday 6 April 2018

5 of 30. "Five Gold Rings".

         5 of 30. “Five Gold Rings”.…..  05.04.18.

I used to sing in a Choir,
we all loved our Christmas Concerts.
Our rehearsals began in September,
there were new pieces to be learned,
“Old pieces”, we found and remembered.

Our Choir Mistress cajoled and shouted,
encouraged and threatened until satisfaction
happened! Then, it was Dress Rehearsal time.

As in other years, all went well. We reduced
the audience to tears and rang them out.
The last song of the evening was always the
same. The Choir Mistress told the audience,
“There must be no noise while the Choir sing”.

Then, it would be their turn, it must be sung
With Vim and Vigor!The pianist played the
Introduction, Choir, and Audience joined in
As one….”On the first day of Christmas…..

None of us could wait for the favourite line
“Five Gold Rings” We would sing the song
three or four times, until we exhausted
ourselves.We had sung our hearts out
And the roof off!

I do not sing in a Choir anymore, but
I can never forget the “Five Gold Rings”.

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