Sunday 8 April 2018

8 of 30. My 80th Year.

8 of 30.  My 80th Year.

1938 - I was born in Leeds,
2 months prematurely,
The priest gave me Last Rites,
Nurses frantically knitted
dolls clothes to warm me.

My earliest memories are
of planes flying overhead,
crying in the Air Raid Shelter,
men's voices saying “For Gods’
sake, take her home. Mum and
I huddled under the stairs.

I remember the joy of eating
oranges and bananas.
Counting the buttons out
of Grandmas red tin.
To run with the wind in
my hair. How fast I was.

Who can forget, that first day
at School, entering a new
world of obedience, discipline
reading and writing. As a
reward, some chocolate,
just a piece, not a whole bar.

Now, in 2018, life is not
the same, I have my lap
top, my mobile phone.
What changes I have seen.
Wife, mother, grandma.
Our home and garden,
my writing and my books.
Feeling thankful that in
1938 my life was saved.

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