Monday 30 April 2018

30th of 30 The Best is yet to Be.

30th 0f 30. “The Best is yet to Be”.

We have come to the end of April,
We can look forward to some warmer,
Lighter days in the month of May…….

We have had, the “Beast from the East”,
We have had unexpected winds and snow,
We have had unexpected sunshine,
Which brought out early flowering bulbs.

We have seen the gaiety in the garden,
We have riots of colours, green grass.
We have seen Blues, Mauves and Red.
We have seen birds beginning to
Build nests. Street lights, light later!

Yes, May is bringing us hope!!

NOTE: I have used a quote from

Robert Browning as my title.

1 comment:

  1. This is the end of my National Poetry Writing Month Challenge. Some poem have come easily and some have been problematic. Some are good, some are utter rubbish. BUT I have written a daily poem for 30 days - SO-SUCCESS!! Here is looking forward to the 2019 Challenge. Marge.
