Tuesday 24 April 2018

Poem 24 of 30. 2 x 12 = 24.

Poem 24 of 30.     2 x 12 = 24.

Did you learn your Times Tables at school?
I did. They were learned by rote, chanted
to the beat of a ruler tapping the teachers
desk, anyone unfortunate enough to say
the wrong number was told
“Put your hands on your head,
the teacher would hit your hands with
her ruler, then you had to say the whole
of the table on your own.
It did not pay to lose concentration.

We always said to each other “What
use is Maths, we won’t need it when
we leave school”. That was childish
wishing. Of course, we need to have
knowledge of Maths, our time's tables
form the basis of calculation.
Can you remember - 7 x 9?

Or 9 x 8?   ???
I can't!!

NOTE: I began school in September 1943.

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