Friday 20 April 2018

20 of 30. Twenty Storeys High.

20 0f 30. Twenty Storeys High.

For our holiday, we flew away,
We stayed on Gran Canaria.

It was a Swedish Resort,
built into the rocks and very
modern in style and built from
concrete. The Receptionist
explained, “The lift is over there,
go up to floor ten, go across
the corridor, take the next
lift up to floor twenty, turn
left, you will find your room
   On the right.

Our room was spacious and
flooded with light, the  bath
with golden taps on a dais in the
bedroom! This was the most
sumptuous hotel, the food
Was excellent too!
It was a gated community, guards
roamed inside and outside at night
   Carrying guns.

It was Christmas time, with
decorations and trees everywhere,
everybody joined in the singing
and dancing in the Marketplace
for the youngest children
                                            It is fun, we're sure we would have
and exciting week. The thing we
had not realised Swedish
people used to low light levels, as
at home, every Pub and Restaurant           
Closed at ten o’clock.

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