Tuesday 24 April 2018

23 of 30. The Number of my Childhood Home.

23 0f 30.  23, The Door Number of my Childhood Home.

Mum and Dad bought this house
shortly before I was born.
They paid three hundred pounds for it.

We had three bedrooms, mum and dad’s
Mine and one called a box room,
though, not big enough to put a bed in.

I loved my bedroom, it was my place.
It was where I had a green painted
wooden table that Father Christmas,

brought when I was five years old.
I imagined being a teacher,
or a Librarian

It was an odd house, the front
door was numbered twenty-four,
the back door, used most, was twenty-three?

Note: After mum died, the house had
to be sold to pay for her Care Home
fees, I sold the house undervalued
for a quick sale, at £20,000.

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