Thursday 19 April 2018

19 of 30. The Holiday.

It is May, and we are away.
We worry about our house still
“Did we turn everything off?” we say.

The skies are looking very grey,
the noise made by seabirds is shrill,
It is May, and we are away.

Upset, the weather has changed today.
So cold it’s enough to make us ill”
“We will read in the lounge,” we say.

Our holiday is just a short stay
seabirds huddle on the window sill.
It is May, and we are away.

We go to the beach to play
Tennis and Rounders take some skill
“We had fun didn’t we”, we say?

Sightseeing, the resort shows decay
We walk slower, panting up the hill
We say It’s good to be away”.
“Did we turn everything off!” we say.

Note:    A Villanelle - a French form of
Poetry which contains 19 lines.

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