Sunday 22 April 2018

22 of 30. Bingo!! And 2 Little Ducks.

22 of 30. Bingo!  - 2 Little Ducks.

The game, Bingo has grown to be
the tail that wags the dogs.

The game, Housey, Housey was played
By the Armed Services to pass time.

It was played at the Chapel that
I went to - God Fearing Methodists.

It developed into Commercial Bingo Halls,
In disused Church’s and Cinemas.

Then into purpose-built palaces,
All neon lights and big prizes.

With the lively old Bingo Callers
Fun. about two fat ladies and ducks

Beame digitised, computerised.
Not a lot of fun - “just give us your money”.

Now we have televised bingo in our homes.
Pay for it by your credit cards….

It is better with 2 little ducks in the park,
Than to risk your Housey-housey with debt.

Where are the Two Little Ducks now?
A Figment of our Imagination??

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